Knowledgebase - Professional Coffee Machines
Domestic Coffee Machine
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Professional Coffee Machine
Schaerer Coffee Factory
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Coffee Machine Operation
Basic Operation
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Vending Coffee Machine
Basic Operation of the Schaerer Coffee Factory Coffee Machine
1. Fill the water tank with cold, fresh water (max 2.4 litres), insert the tank into the front of the coffee machine and press it firmly in.

2. Fill the coffee bean hoppers with fresh coffee beans.

3. Press and hold the ON / OFF button for longer than 2 seconds. The coffee machine switches on and heats up.

4. When the machine is ready to dispense beverage, the Ready Display appears.

5. Place a cup below the coffee outlet and press the desired beverage button.
- Illuminated ring round button = Dispenser ready
- Flashing ring round button = Dispensing beverage


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